Heyshott Bonfire 2024
Saturday 9th November
Torch Lit Procession
Mr Punch
Spectacular Firework Display
Food | Drink | Raffle Prizes
Admission & Costs
Heyshott Bonfire runs year to year entirely on the generosity of people’s donations so in order for it to continue our suggested minimum donation is £5 an adult with Children going FREE.
(i.e. No Facilities For taking card payments)
Heyshott Bonfire News
Bonfire Build Dates
Torch Making TBC (3 Hoyle Lane)
Bonfire Building TBC & TBC October.
We really need some assistance this year please, so any help, no matter how small would be very much appreciated. Please contact enquiry@heyshottbonfire.co.uk if you can help in any way possible.
Parking 2024
As per previous years, a Professional Parking Company has been contracted in. Please follow their instructions at all times.
Bonfire Schedule
(Note: Times Are Approximate)
18:30 – Torches on Sale (Hoyle Lane)
18:30 – At the Bonfire Location:
Bar Open at the Unicorn,
Hot dogs & Soup etc on sale
19:00 – Procession Commences
19:30 – Punch & Judy
20:00 – Fireworks
20:30 – Raffle Draw
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Heyshott Bonfire Location
The Heyshott Bonfire is loacted on the Heyshott Village Green opposite the Unicorn Inn. The address and map can be seen on the interactive map.
Heyshott Bonfire Location:
Heyshott Village Green
Nr. Midhurst
West Sussex
GU29 0DL
Heyshott Bonfire Committee wishes to give a Special Thanks to:
- The Villagers of Heyshott
- WL West & Sons – Who generously provide the timber for the bonfire every year
- Unicorn Inn – Who kindly allow us to use their premises and provide invaluable assistance with the event
- Lavant Workwear – Who kindly provide the reflective high visibility vests
- Selstar Fireworks – for without them, there would be no fireworks
- Cowdray Estate – for their ongoing support and assistance